Logistic Service Provider Setup

CS Delivery Management supports the standard Warehouse Management functionality in Microsoft 365 Business Central and also the services of a Logistic Service Provider (LSP).

If you use a Logistic Service Provider, you must setup and assign at least 1 Location for this Logistic Service Provider. You may setup as many Logistic Service Providers as you wish. A Logistic Service Provider can be used for multiple Locations, but a location can only be setup for 1 Logistic Service Provider.

LSP Locations

For each Logistic Service Provider, at least one Location code must be set up, stating the Item Journal template for adjustments and the default reason code for adjustments (if not given by the LSP).

LSP documents will only be created for document lines with these location codes:

Note that the Tab Warehouse on the location page of an LSP location may NOT contain any Booleans that are active!

LSP Setup

On the LSP Setup page, the number series must be determined for Receipt and Shipment Documents and for the Posted Receipts and Shipments.

These documents are NOT the same as the standard warehouse documents of Microsoft 365 Business Central. If this page has not been filled with information, please add 1 record in the table by selecting + at the center top of the page.

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