To create Warehouse Receipts, Inventory Put-aways or LSP Receipts, navigate to the Receipt Worksheet and choose the required batch name in the header of the worksheet.
Next, retrieve the order lines that are Released for receipt using the page Action menu Retrieve Document Lines and select the required document type.
Select from the submenu type of document lines to be retrieved in the worksheet: Purchase Order lines, Sales Return Order lines or Transfer Receipt lines.
Depending on the type of order, filters can be set on the order lines that are to be retrieved:
In the standard request page, the Item No. is visible for filtering, but any field in the document line can be added to the request filter page.
Select OK to retrieve the selected lines in the worksheet.
! Only Released order lines with an Outstanding Quantity are retrieved !
The following steps will complete the creation of warehouse documents:
The Qty. to receive will be used to create receipts.
From the related menu, related information can be retrieved:
The source document will be the purchase order, sales return or transfer order of the selected line worksheet line, depending on the document type.
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