
CS Landed Costs

Help - Introduction

CS Landed Costs is a smart application for Microsoft 365 Business Central.

The app:

  • Identifies different cost types that occur on item purchases such as freight charges, insurance, commissions, customs clearance and duties;
  • Enables to split up general overhead costs on item purchases into these various different cost types;
  • Applies both budget and actual costs to different general ledgers based on the General Posting Setup;
  • Corrects landed costs if Item charges are applied to purchase receipts to display a correct cost price per item or item ledger entry;
  • Displays and reports detailed landed costs including dimensions from a unique Landed Costs Entry table.


The result is a clear and detailed view on how cost prices for your trade items are built up, No matter which Inventory Cost Method applies. FIFO, LIFO, Average, Specific and Standard (fixed) cost methods are supported.


The app uses standard Microsoft 365 Business Central functionalities and does not affect any standard Business Central functionality.

  • Landed Costs settings can be calculated for the Buy-From Vendor or the Pay-to Vendor (in Inventory Setup)
  • Menu structure changed
  • Landed Costs settings are deleted if an Item or a Vendor is deleted for that Item number or Vendor number
  • Creating landed costs entries is limited to 1 purchase type of direct costs (value entry)

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